Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment in Ayurveda

Rheumatoid Arthritis in Ayurveda is termed as Aamvata. It is a condition caused by the Aam; “improperly digested foods and raw metabolites” is what Ayurveda calls “Aam”. Aam, etymologically means an item which is not ripened, cooked and digested or metabolized properly. In relation to Aamvata, it becomes the food which is not digested properly or the digested food which is not metabolized properly.

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This Aam, when travels in the body with Vata (which decides all kind of movements of the body). Wherever Vata finds closed channels, this Vata leaves the “Aam” there, which cause different kinds of diseases in that particular organ. This description of Aamvata in a 5000 year old science show, shows how much scientific and enriched science was, right from its beginning.

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Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic fever is a general disorder resulting in pain in the joints, feverishness, and copious perspiration. The disease is one to which children and adolescents are more prone. It is generally not noticed among people above thirty years of age. If the disease affects an individual up to the age of eighteen, proper care and medication can control the disease. The disease has a tendency to spread in an erratic manner, and affects the smooth membranes of the body, mainly, the heart.

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Symptoms of Rheumatic Fever

Rheumatic Fever usually comes along with cold and pain in major joints like back, knee, elbow etc. With the rise in temperature patients gets pain in joints along with muscles. Loss of appetite, laziness and loss of taste are few more symptoms in Rheumatic Fever.

Ayurvedic Solution for Rheumatic Fever

Asparagus Seeds, Black Cumin (Kalaunji), Fenugreek and Ajwain should be taken in equal quantities and grinded into powder. Three mashas of the powder swallowed with water every morning controls the swelling of rheumatism.

A useful prescription to help relieve the pain of rheumatic fever is: one ratti of White Arsenic, one dried Grape and six grains of Pepper ground fine and made into 24 pills. One pill should be taken after breakfast.

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